Did the System Malfunction?

After hearing the system's voice, Wang Mang was overjoyed.

Even though he could have evolved long ago.

Now, he had obtained tens of billions of energy points.

Wang Mang was still very happy.

At the same time, Wang Mang also wanted to know.

When he digested these gains again.

How much stronger would he become?

Third Heaven of the Extreme Realm? Fourth Heaven of the Extreme Realm?

At that time, his strength would probably soar to the undefeatable fourth tier, right?

Wang Mang still had this bit of confidence.

His current energy value was at least 700 billion.

He could easily evolve twice!

With this thought in mind, Wang Mang was in a great mood.

Then, under the respectful gazes of the geniuses,

Wang Mang walked out of the city with his hands behind his back.

At this moment, Hua Yunfei hurriedly followed.

In Hua Yunfei's eyes, Wang Mang was his thigh!