Humiliation From the Geniuses

"Hehe! Do you think I'm afraid of him? I won't go out. What can he do to me?"

"This guy can't even protect himself now! He'd better survive the current crisis!"

"Believe it or not, the Killing God will definitely be like us. He will probably hide in the city. He will definitely not dare to accept a challenge from an Ancient Emperor of the same level."

"It's normal that he doesn't dare to agree. If it were me, I wouldn't dare to agree either! After all, the Ancient Martial Monarch is ranked 188th on the Monarch Ranking. How is he going to fight him?"

"What a coward. Killing God? If he has the ability, he can fight with the ancient emperors. Otherwise, don't talk to me about killing God."

Clearly, many of the geniuses present had complaints about Wang Mang.

The main reason was that Wang Mang had stayed in the Third City for too long.

If they were frightened every day, it would severely affect their hunting for prodigies.