An Ancient Emperor Was Forced to Kneel

As soon as Wang Mang finished speaking.

He could feel Emperor Zu's furious gaze.

As well as the disdainful gazes of the geniuses.

It was obvious that Wang Mang was lying through his teeth.

They all saw it clearly.

In their opinion, this was too shameless.

Of course, there was still some envy.

After all, this female supreme being was willing to talk to Wang Mang.

This proved that he had a good impression of Wang Mang.

This was what they envied and yearned for.

A female Supreme Venerable!

If he curried favor with her, *

The benefits he received were simply unimaginable!

Didn't you see that even the maidservant who held the horse rope for the Female Supreme was a powerful and talented existence?

Similarly, the ancient emperor beside Wang Mang also looked down on Wang Mang's lowly flattery.

No matter what, Wang Mang was still ranked 2,888th on the Monarch Ranking!