I Just Got Here

After hearing the three missions, Wang Mang was stunned.

He did not expect the system to encourage him to go to a higher city.

This caused Wang Mang to fall into deep thought.

Wang Mang did not have much interest in heading to the Twelve Cities so early.

He still wanted to continue infiltrating the first stage and bully these Emperor God level ants.

From the looks of it, the system clearly did not advocate it. He continued to stay in the first stage.

This could be seen from the second mission.

First place in the mission, the rewards were very generous. One only needed to enter the top 100 in strength.

Thirdly, the rewards for the mission were also very generous. The only way to go to the First City was to hunt prodigies, so the rewards should not be bad.

This was because according to the system, if there was only one of the 12 cities, it could be imagined that there were definitely many geniuses.