Quit While Ahead

It was clear that the demonic lord supreme being was also worried that Wang Mang had other thoughts.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have said those words.

However, that was the truth.

The first group could obtain three treasure orbs.

If there was one in each of the other nine groups.

There were exactly 12 treasure orbs.

The three of them were really enough!

Not much, not much!

Each person would get four!

At the thought of this,

Wang Mang felt much better.

He nodded slightly at the Devil Master Supreme.

Then, Wang Mang looked at the treasures in the hands of the two prodigies.

After the halo dissipated.

Wang Mang saw that the female Supreme-Being had obtained a grade-6 divine ability jade slip.

As for the Demon Master Supreme, he still obtained a pseudo sixth-grade divine weapon!

After putting away their gains, the female Supreme and Demon Supreme continued to wait.