Leaving the Magical Wonderland!

At this moment, on the flat ground of a mountain range, a group of World King powerhouses gathered together.

The World King powerhouses here were not World King powerhouses who participated in the Magical Heaven Realm.

Without exception, all of them had reached the middle World King realm. Otherwise, they wouldn't have become leaders of the various factions.

They had been waiting here for two years.

As the Magic Heaven Realm approached, this group of World King powerhouses also woke up from their meditation and opened their eyes.

The World King powerhouses of many influences were chatting away, chatting away with great interest.

They were all humans, and even World King powerhouses like them weren't an exception. Naturally, they would discuss and chat with each other.

Moreover, everyone present was an existence of the same level. They were all mid World Kings, so they naturally didn't put on airs.