Preparing to Carry a Bucket and Run

"Ancestor Corpse Demon? When you see my combat strength reach the seventh Heavenstage of the World King realm, what kind of expression will you have?"

At this point, Wang Mang could not help but smile coldly.

However, when he thought of the problem he was facing when he evolved again,

Wang Mang couldn't help but feel a headache.

This was because it would be very troublesome for him to evolve next time.

He needed to upgrade the template and increase his bloodline!

In addition, Wang Mang simply didn't dare to imagine.

How many Law Points did he need to evolve once?

After all, he had evolved four times in a row!

What he needed to evolve next time would probably be very terrifying!

Thinking of this, the originally high-spirited Wang Mang immediately could not be happy.

Then, he couldn't help but recite in his heart,

"System! Open your personal information!"