Bury You in My Body

Looking at the beheaded Myriad Emperor in front of him, Wang Mang sighed with emotion.

This was the first time he had killed a Ruler head-on.

Killing Cao Mengde last time was not that successful, right?

The last time he had killed Cao Mengde, he had been captured by the God of Divine Wind and was at his mercy.

Therefore, Wang Mang did not have much of a sense of accomplishment when he killed.

However, the Myriad Emperor was different. This was an enemy he had defeated fair and square!

This sense of accomplishment was self-evident!

However, Wang Mang had to admit that rulers were truly difficult to deal with!

It was extremely difficult to deal with!

After all, he had so many advantages.

Only with those could he barely kill the other party!

From this, it could be seen how difficult it was to kill enemies above one's level.

If possible, he had to increase his strength level more!