Heading to Search for the Master of Sacrifice?

That was because in the storage ring…

Just the Law Crystals alone had reached 100 million.

Yes! A total of 100 million Law Crystals!

In addition, there was also a sixth-grade high-grade Bad Luck Talisman!

He wondered if this guy was unlucky!

He died before he could even use it!

If this wasn't bad luck, then what was?

Other than that.

There was also a set of mid-grade Tier 6 Divine Weapons and Divine Armor.

Wang Mang understood this very well.

The other party was a World Lord, after all.

It was very normal to have such a net worth.

As for why these guys had so few Law Crystals,

Wang Mang could understand. After all, they had to cultivate too!

No fool would store a pile of Law Crystals!

After all, once there were cultivation resources, they would be used to cultivate and transform into strength.

Only a fool would save a storage Law Crystal and then be killed to contribute to others.