Looking at the Devastation and Desolation

'What the hell?'

'Feeling as comfortable as coming home?'

After hearing Wang Mang's answer,

The Hegemon of the Five Gods was instantly stunned.

He subconsciously widened his eyes and looked at Wang Mang in shock.

That was because he felt extremely uncomfortable here.

Even the circulation of laws became much more difficult than outside.

Originally, he thought that Wang Mang would be the same as him.

However, Wang Mang's answer instantly stunned the five God Rulers!

For a moment, the Five Gods Ruler, who was puzzled, stared at Wang Mang.

It was as if he wanted to see if Wang Mang was lying or lying to him.

However, when he saw that Wang Mang did not seem to be faking it, the doubts in his heart intensified.

"This Abyssal Canyon is indeed strange."

"I've asked around before I came."

"They all say that the suppression of any cultivator here is very great."