I Will Admit Defeat Publicly

After hearing this familiar voice,

Wang Mang was stunned. Then, he subconsciously looked over.

He saw a white-robed old man in the distance.

She stood not far away and looked at him in confusion.

However, when he saw this old man, Wang Mang didn't recognize him immediately.

However, after taking a closer look, Wang Mang was immediately shocked.

This person was not anyone else!

It was the Primordial World of the past.

His teacher, Patriarch Subhuti!

Yes, it was Patriarch Subhuti!

At that moment, Wang Mang looked as if he had seen a ghost.

This was because he really couldn't understand how Patriarch Subhuti had come to the Three Ringed Universe.

One had to know that outside the three-ringed universe, there was a barrier!

Without the strength of rank 6, it was impossible to open the three-ringed enchantment!