I Don’t Fear You, Wang Mang

"However, if you want to take my life, I'll give up this top-notch world."

Hearing this, Wang Mang was stunned. Then, he looked at the Tauren in front of him in surprise.

Unexpectedly, this guy was very straightforward and said that he could not defeat him.

Moreover, the meaning he expressed was very obvious. If it was a matter of life and death,

The other party directly admitted defeat and was not his match. If there was a winner, he could fight with him.

The other party had made it very clear that it was fine if he wanted to fight or decide the outcome, but it was impossible if he wanted to kill him!

However, just as Wang Mang was about to speak, the system's voice sounded.

[Ding! Detected that the master of the Heavenly Ancestor World is afraid of the host's strength, so the battle will be considered the host's victory!]

Hearing this, Wang Mang was even more speechless. The fight hadn't even started.