Gathering the Four Great Treasures

The next moment, the system's voice said:

[The items that the host currently has are not enough to exchange for a top-rank Level 7 treasure, the Eternal Three-Lives Stone]

[Host can use Talent Points to exchange for it! Or use a mid-rank Level 7 special treasure to reduce dimensions!]

After hearing the system's voice, the corner of Wang Mang's mouth twitched.

In the end, Wang Mang decided to use one million Talent Points to exchange for it.

That was because there was another prodigy in the second border city.

By then, he should be able to recoup his losses!

In the second stage, there were more than a hundred Great Supremes in the border city alone.

A million yuan should be more than enough to earn it back.

After he became an invincible supreme being, he shouldn't be restricted from coming back to harvest.