A Battle in a Group Formation!

However, one way was to die immediately.

The other was a slow death.

The door of the Level 6 Invincible Battle Road had already been soldered shut.

No one had a chance to survive. 

One's only chance was to become an Invincible Supreme Being!

Who would have the last laugh?


To prodigies who had not even reached the level of a Great Supreme Being, it was basically a death sentence!

They would not even get the chance to struggle before dying!

On the contrary, Great Supreme Beings had their troubles too. 

This was because if they really wanted a chance on the Level 6 Invincible Battle Road, they would not only need two months!

How could one reborn in a few months?

This was simply a joke!

Which genius could undergo Nirvana and be reborn in a few months?

Basically, there was none at all!

They had never even heard of such a thing.