Vicis' Transportation

"Where are we?!" An older man asked the others, unfortunately, they had no answers for his question as it was the same plight that they were in as well. They did not know too. Rika walked up to the window and tried to open it, but it just was not budging. "Tch. It is no use, we cannot get out of the room at all." She said as the doors were not opening as well.

A screen appeared out of nowhere to show a man with an odd face. He looked like he was a human but not quite, he had no hair on his head, no eyebrows as well. He wore a suit and had plain features. "Greetings, I am Vicis. Please wear these suits if you wish to live." He said as boxes spawned in front of them. "You have one hour to kill the monster." He added as the screen turned off. Once opened, the boxes had red skin-tight suits that looked like they were either futuristic or really good cosplay clothes.

"Are you serious? Are you really going to make use wear these ridiculous tights?" the old man said as he shook his head and declined. "T-This seems like one of those sick and twisted game shows from back in the days…" a woman who looked to be in her thirties said. Rika Sato stared at the box as it had her name specifically on it. 'Rika Sato' the box was engraved with it. Included in the box was a futuristic looking katana as well.

"Heh. I am going to carry the sword but there is no way I am putting these ridiculous outfits on." A teenager said which Rika heard. She saw someone who instantly put on the suit with no hesitation at all. It was a man who looked like the same age as hers. Their eyes met as Rika looked away first and proceeded to change into the red tights.

Only the two of them out of five in total really ever listened to the person who called himself 'Vicis.' As they were quickly transported some place else after a minute passed. After looking around for a bit, Rika noticed that they were in a village somewhere. "H-Huh? What kind of place is this?" the others asked as they were confused by the sudden transportation.

"Only the two of us will live." The man who had the armor on said to Rika. "Look at these three, they did not listen, and they will be ripped to shreds." He added. Rika just stared at him. He was a smallish young man with black and worn-down hair. "You look like you know a lot about what is going on, would you care to explain?" Rika asked him. "It would be easier to show it rather than telling you about it." the man said. "You can call me Mikoto." He added.

"W-What is going to happen to us? Where is the monster?" She asked him as Mikoto was walking away from the others. Mikoto was silent as he pointed forward. "Show yourself." He said. The three feet monster had the features of a fish despite being that of a human at the same time. He had gills and was crying. "Fish…ocean?" he said as he sniveled.