I couldn't comprehend what the doctor said, his words resounded in my head and I turn to look at Bianca and Rex only to see them looking surprised like me
"No…no…no…this can't be happening" I panicked, holding my head in confusion.
"How, when, why?" I ask nobody in frustration,
"Nick you have to calm down," Rex said holding my hand but I flung his hand away
"Nicklaus wait" Bianca made to call me but I turned to Rex
"Make sure Ashley finds a donor, I'm out of here," I said storming off
"Fuck man you are making a mistake" I heard Rex saying, but my mind has already gone far to come back as I have a lot of things going on…in my head right now
I walked out of the hospital, it was already dark but I cared less, I continue walking on the not-too-busy road
I could hear strikes of thunder as the cloud made noise indicating that rain was about to fall, wind began to blow, the weather became windy.