At Granny's House
Its up to an hour...they were all with grandma Poppyhead
Kiera's Mom was enjoying every bit of Wilf's grandma.
"You never told me she was his Grandma!" she laughed once More
She happened to be a fan of his mother..She has read all her books and remembered stealing one of her book in highschool
"you know I've told your grandson to not hurt my daughter.... or___" she trailed off
"no need of that..I myself will make sure he regrets it" Grandma butt in
"I trust you!!" Ted laughed
"Who's ready for some cappuccino!!!" Granny exclaimed
"Oh c'mon!!" Kiera's mom laughed as they both went to the Kitchen
"oh yeah yeah" they sang
"My belly screams oh lala!" Kiera mom sang
"A cup a cup its says!" Granny sang
"fill it up!"
They've eaten..laughed, talked and many more not knowing what else to do again
"please excuse us!" Wilf said as he stood up to leave with kiera
"Where we going?" she whispers