CHAPTER 39- punishment

  Kiera was taken out of the room immediately.. Wilf then took off his jackets and covered her up.

  They went down the stairs and he could sight Rae and Ted from afar

  "thank goodness!" he sighed as he then rushed to them

  Ted could see Kiera and then smiled

  "finally!" he said

  "where did you see her?"

  "it's another story..let's just get them home" Wilf replied as he lifted kiera in a bridal style

  "Noooo we're not done dancing" Rae pouted

  "Ted..! handle her" Wilf groaned

  Wilf was more than happy he found kiera and she wasn't hurt badly except from her bleeding nose

  He then placed her at the back seat along with Rae and went to the driver seat while Ted sat in the passenger seat

  "now they're drunk" Ted sighed

  "yeah but I will definitely punish both of them" he replied

  "I agree with you" Ted nods


  The sun rays gently hit Kiera's eyes as she slowly opened her eyes

  It was another day..a smile curved on her face..