Alondra approached Mathilde and wiped away her tears.

  "I'm doing this so that you won't have experienced any difficulties in life again, Mathilde, so that you can have and wear nice clothes and things. Also, you can go to school. And I'll bring home plenty of food for you and we won't have to struggle hardship anymore. So stop crying. Don't give me concern that when you are sad I will not leave. But always bear in mind that we need to experience a comfortable life." she said.

  "Yes. I can't help but be sad. We've been together here at home for a few years and I'm not used to you suddenly leaving and not being able to come home for a long time." Mathilde said.

  "When I save up, I'll buy you a cellphone. So that if you miss me, you can just call me," he says.

  Mathilde's face brightened.


  "Of course."

  "Alright. I'd like to have a cellphone. Is that kind of thing expensive?"

  "I don't know yet, Mathilde. But I will buy it for you."

  "Thank you. Be careful there. I know that between the two of us you are the brave one." Mathilde said.

  "Because I'm the eldest, Mathilde."

  Alondra is sad but she will fight her sadness because otherwise, she will cry too. She is not used to being away from her family for a long time.

  "We're going out to eat. Fix yourself or mom and dad will think I made you cry," he says.

  Mathilde nodded. An hour later they finished eating. Alondra said goodbye for a while before going outside the house to breathe some fresh air. She was now outside and sitting on a wooden chair looking up at the sky. The whole area is bright because it's a full moon. Alondra thinks a lot that if she gets lucky in the city she knows they will be able to get out of poverty. She is hoping against hope that her life will be good there.

  "Aren't you going to sleep yet, daughter?" Alondra heard her father's voice.

  She didn't look at her father but she noticed him sitting next to her.

  "I'm not sleepy yet, father," Alondra replied.

  She saw her father looking at her.

  "I'm sorry. We wouldn't have been in such trouble if I had just finished school and found a nice job. I'm too ashamed of myself to think that you're the one making it difficult to find a job when after all I'm your father. I'm the one who has the right to make a way to support you and gave you a better life but I end up rejected." said her father.

  Alondra wanted to cry but she stopped herself because didn't want to leave her sad.

  "Not once do I regret having you as my father. I never cursed you in my mind for why our life turned out like this. I just wanted to help. You worked hard enough to raise us. Despite everything, I am still grateful because you made me see the world and experience how bitter life is." Alondra said.

  Suddenly her father hugged her and cried on her shoulder.

  "Take care out there and always think that we love you very much. If you can't do the job, go home." her father said.

  The next day,

  Alondra awoke early to prepare her belongings. She stuffed her old backpack with clothes. She turns to face Mathilde, who is still sleeping. She had no idea if her parents were still sleeping or awake. When she looked at her sister, she smiled. She is upset because she will no longer be able to see her or sleep next to her. She must be strong and prepare herself to be alone and separated from her family. She exited the room and sat in the living room on a bamboo chair. She didn't sleep well because she was afraid she'd wake up at noon and be late for work. It's still difficult to find work and even get lost these days. She stood up and went into her parents' room, opening the curtain.

  Her parents were still sleeping next to each other. Her parents had never slept together in her life, and they weren't even sweet to each other like other married couples. Perhaps it is poverty that causes people's emotions to shift. Her parents spoke casually, as if they were just acquaintances, and did things separately. It's as if they don't care about each other. Alondra sighed, sat back down, and waited for her parents to awaken.

  She looked around the house, certain that she would miss their little house, which had been their home their entire lives. It was a witness to the difficulties they face daily. She plans to expand this small house shortly.

  "Are you leaving?" her mother asked?as she walked out of the room.

  Alondra smiled as she made a sad face at her mother.

  "Yes," she replied, "I want to leave early so I won't be late when I get there."

  "All right, is Mathilde awake yet?" her mother asked as she sat down next to her.

  "Mom, Mathilde?still sleeping."

  "Aren't you going to eat? I'll cook for you so you don't go hungry."

  "Not any longer; I'll just eat there," Alondra explained.

  "Mathilde will be upset when she discovers you left without waiting for her to wake up; I saw her cry last night because you were working in the city."

  "Yes, she is more accustomed to seeing me at home all the time," she replied.

  "We're not used to not seeing you here," her mother said, "but I know we can't stop you."

  "I'm tired of this life; I'm tired of seeing you and Dad suffer, so please let me do my part as your daughter," she said.

  Her mother touched her cheek and looked at her as if she was about to cry.

  "I'm sorry; all I ask is that you always be cautious; go ahead; don't wait for them to wake up because you might be late," his mother said.

  "Thank you, and please keep an eye out for Mathilde."

  "No problem," she says.