A Bath?

"Do spirits take baths?" I questioned myself.

They have to right? But we're different creatures, I think at least, so do they need to take one? But she's been shivering for a while now... so she needs to, right?" My mind was again filled with questions about these so-called spirits. My brain started panicking.

"Umm... are you ok?" Megumi looked at me confusingly. Guess I was showing it.

"Y-yeah, I am. You can take a bath first. We can talk afterward." I assured her. I had lots of questions about her, but I had to think about her position first.

"Umm... ok then." She said and went to the bathroom. She opened the door, went inside, and closed it, not a word.

I went to the living room and put down the bag of coffee and cakes from the café on the table. I took off my coat and put it on the couch's armrest. I took off my school uniform, yanked my tie off, unbuttoned my shirt, and threw them in the slightly full hamper. I was planning to do laundry tomorrow as it was Sunday that day, but I guess it's going to have to wait for now. The only thing I didn't throw in the basket was my white coat and pants. I changed to a white shirt and sat on the cushiony couch to relax for a bit and the seat sprang me right back. I leaned into the backrest of the couch, looked up, and thought.

"Hmm... maybe I'll give her some clothes." She was obviously going to need some clothes when she exits the bathroom. I quickly stood up and went to my wardrobe. I opened a cabinet and found a small white shirt with blue stripes. Maybe it was from my middle school days. I grabbed the blue-striped shirt. I also grabbed my red jogger pants. They were for my P.E. class. I went to the bathroom door and knocked on the door twice.

"Yes? What is it?" I heard her answer my knocks. Her voice was slightly muffled due to the door blocking our way.

"Umm, It's me... Here are some clothes for you," I said from the other side of the door.

"Umm, thank you so much. Please leave them there." She answered. I held the doorknob. I blushed and hoped that she wasn't on the other side when I open the door. I may be a growing boy, but I need to control my desires. I shook my head and twisted the doorknob and pushed the door. I saw that her silhouette was on the opposite side of the bathroom glass.

"Thank god..." I thought. Something bad could've happened if she was on the other side.

"I'll put the clothes here..." I placed the clothes in the small basket near the bathroom glass door.

"Yes, thanks." She thanked me before I left the bathroom. My mind was again filled with a thirst for seeing her clothless body in the bath. I shook my head and slapped my cheeks to let it out of my mind. But to no avail.


A few moments later, I heard the door open and saw the white smoke exit from the room. It was probably from the hot water. I saw a long, slim, hovering leg leave the room. The second leg came out, also hovering off the ground. Her whole body was now out of the bathroom. I was shocked by what I saw. Her dripping long white hair slightly covered her deep blue eyes. She was wearing the blue-striped shirt with the red joggers I left in the basket. My mouth was opened by the gorgeous creature in front of me.

"Umm... is something wrong?" She asked me.

"N-No, it's nothing," I uttered while thinking.

"Yes, there is, inside my mind." My mind was again filled with my desires. Ugh, when will it end? I shook my head again and focused on the subject.

"Please, take a seat." I gestured to the seat in front of me.

"Ah, thank you." She said before taking a seat on the couch.

"Firstly, you must be hungry, so here." I gestured to the food at the coffee table. She must be hungry so I offered her to eat. I wasn't that hungry anyway.

"Thank you very much." She took the fork and ate the cakes. She looked like she was enjoying it.

"Anyway, should we continue our conversation?" I asked her if she was ready to resume our discussion.

"Yes." She put the fork down and answered with a stern face.

"I see." I acknowledged her statement. I asked her the main topic.

"Then, Megumi-san, can you tell me..." I slightly paused and looked her seriously in the eye. I continued.

"What are you?"

To be continued...