
The sun wasn't shining much this morning. I opened my eyes and saw a white ceiling. I rubbed my eyes and got up to make breakfast. I opened the curtains, letting the faint sunshine through my room before going to the kitchen.

I grabbed eggs and some bacon from the fridge. I turned on the stove and put the pan on top. While I was cooking, I remembered what happened yesterday. I decided to play chess again. This time I had a partner. A spirit named Megumi was very persistent. Despite that, I felt safe when I was with her. I met a "fan" of mine, Kinoshita. He didn't ridicule me like the others but understood what I felt inside. And now, I'm part of the chess club at my school. It all felt like a dream. If it was, it was the best dream I had...

"Naoto-san, the bacon's burning." I heard a voice call out to me inside my mind. I turned to my right. A glowing white dress is worn by a petite white-haired girl floating in front of me.

"Eh? Megumi?!" It was the spirit, Megumi.

"Naoto-san, those are gonna burn." She disregarded my shock and pointed to the pan.

I looked down to see the pan smoking. The bacon and eggs were burning. Panicking, I quickly took them out of the pan and onto the plate. Their edges were as burnt as it was crisp. Thankfully, the rest was still fine.

"Hehe." Megumi let out a faint laugh, acting all innocent. Maybe she liked seeing me in a panic.

"Good morning, Naoto-san."

"Y-yeah, morning." So it wasn't a dream, after all...


Walking towards the school, I was feeling better than yesterday. Probably because I have someone with me today. She floated right beside me whilst I was walking. When I glanced over, I couldn't hold back my faint smile.

We reached the school gate. Last time, I felt like not crossing this gate ever again. But now, things are different. As I was about to enter the campus, someone yelled at me from a distance. I thought it was someone who wants to mock me, so I kept walking. But as I kept walking, the yelling became louder behind me. The sound was creeping up on me so I quickly turned around to see who it was.

"Good morning, Naoto-san." The one shouting out his voice was a guy with yellow hair wearing the school uniform. The president of the chess club, Yuuki Kinoshita.

"G-good morning." I was taken aback by his sudden greeting. Nobody has done that before. I saw him as someone like the others, wanting to get back at me. But inside, he was a kind guy. He understood me as much as Megumi did.

After our greetings, we went inside the building. We changed our shoes. When I took hold of mine, there were just shoes, no pins or needles. Usually, there's something attached to them, but today, there was none. We climbed up the stairs. As usual, people started at me. Somehow, their gazes were filled with more anger than before. I felt that they were saying "Curse you!" with those looks. Maybe that's because Kinoshita is with me, smiling happily. We reached the door to our class.

"Good morning, everyone!" Kinoshita's loud greeting attracted everyone's attention. They reacted surprised but as soon as they saw me, their expressions immediately went to disgust mode. I didn't mind and we sat down in our designated seats. Kinoshita's was at the right of the class, while mine was at the far back. Soon as we sat down, people immediately came up to Kinoshita asking him questions. I couldn't quite hear what they were talking about, but I'm sure they were talking about me and him walking together. As they continued talking, the clock hit 7 and the bell rang. The teacher arrived, starting the class.

"Alright everyone to your seats. We have a very important discussion today." His serious tone of voice got everyone's attention. They stopped whatever they were doing and listened to his directions.

"Today we're going to talk about the school festival."

The school festival. An event that's held annually in which students promote their clubs, compete in events, and try to create the best one in the school.

"You guys will decide what our class will do for the festival next week."

The class immediately started conversing with each other. Me? I didn't bother. Rather, I couldn't converse with someone...

"Alright guys, we gotta decide what we want to do." The class's attention was grabbed by the student in front. The class president, Shiro Junichiro.

Some promoted us to do a maid cafe, while others wanted a spooky event, as Halloween was around the corner. I didn't say anything. I didn't have anything on my mind. Even if I did, they probably would reject it even before I finish my sentence. But someone's statement grabbed my attention.

"How about we do a chess event?" The voice came from the right side. It was Kinoshita who promoted that we do a chess event. Everyone's eyes, including mine, widened in disbelief. Their eyes paired with their looks expressed the words "why would you say that?"

"What do you mean, Kinoshita-kun?" Junichiro asked.

"You know, an event where students play each other for fun." Kinoshita, carefree, said happily.

"What are you talking about, Kinoshita? No one wants to play that game." The gyaru sitting beside me said so while gazing at me.

"Plus, your "club" is about to disappear. Why not just let it go." The others said and everyone concluded that they didn't want to play chess. I felt sorry for him. If I wasn't here, his idea might've been accepted by them. They continued to talk about their ideas, but, Kinoshita suddenly spoke.

"Then if I can get permission from the school, you won't have any problems right?"

"Bold of you to say that, Kinoshita-kun." Indeed it was bold. Our club only had 2 members and was on the brink of collapse. Yet he continues to do his best to protect it. After some thought, Junichiro spoke.

"Fine. If you can get permission, then we'll accept your idea." Everyone was shocked by her statement, even me. She was never the type of person to accept that kind of request.

"But if you don't, you'll have to abolish your club." Her acceptance came with consequences. If Kinoshita gets permission from the school, Junichiro can't say anything. But if they don't, the club will disappear, along with Kinoshita's dream.

"Just you wait. I'll get permission in no time." Kinoshita pumped out his chest, appearing and sounding confident before sitting down. I was surprised he even accepted her terms. Does he even know how big of a deal this is for him?


"Hah... We're doomed."

It's break time. We're currently at the club room and the one who's currently slumped over and sighing is him. Kinoshita's confidence totally plummeted when we got out of the class.

"Sorry, Naoto-san. It seems like this club is over." He wanted to surrender now. He looked defeated, regretting that he made the deal in the first place. If he gives up now, his dreams will all be over. Just when I found a place to be myself. I had to say something.

"You said you were going to get permission from the school, right?"

"Yes, but I'm sure they won't agree to it again." Kinoshita has tried to make this club live on but his efforts were going to be in vain if he doesn't get approval from the school.

"Then, let's do it."


"Let's get permission from the school." His dreams will never come to reality if we don't do anything. As a member of the chess club, I have to do something.

"It's impossible, Naoto-san. The student council is tough on everybody. We won't get anything out of it."

"You won't know until we try." I don't want him to give up. I was the reason this club was made. Now, I have the responsibility of not letting it go. The student council can go ahead and try, but I won't let this club and Kinoshita's efforts die. I'm not backing down. To protect this club, we both need resolve.

"Naoto-san..." Megumi saw my resolve and seemed proud. She noticed that maybe I was now crawling out of my shell.

"You're right, Naoto-san. I can't give up now." His light was now coming back. He stood up and straightened his posture.

"Let's go get their approval!" His lively attitude has completely returned from his defeated one earlier.

I nodded and we headed straight for the student council office, determined to get their consent...

To be continued...