CHAPTER 10 Feels So Good

  I grabbed one of the towels I saw drying myself with and tossed it to her, watching as she rubbed it all over her body.

  "Well, you got your wish. "Can I get something to eat here?" I stroked my still hard c*ck. "Of course, all you had to do was ask," she explained as she reached for the phone and dialed room service.

  I got my food and sat down to eat at the table. Damilola didn't get any food for herself, which surprised me, and I asked her why.

  "Well, tonight, I have a craving for something off the menu," she said seductively.

  "Like, like what?" I inquired, my face befuddled. She only smiled and instructed me to finish my meal. I resumed eating and became so engrossed in my meal that I didn't notice Damilola vanish.

  I looked around and almost jumped out of my chair when I felt something between my legs under the table. When I lifted the dining cloth, Damilola was holding my c*ck and smiling at me.