“So, dear, your dad is a policeman?” Grandpa started. As if he didn’t know already.
The baked salmon was delicious, and it looked like Hailey was enjoying the dinner as well.
“Leave the girl to enjoy her meal,” Grandma said. “How’s the salmon, dear?”
“It’s really good, Grandma. Thanks for inviting me over.” Hailey smiled at her. “And yes, my dad is a cop. That’s how he met Percie.”
“I’ve been telling Percie to bring you over, but you know my boy.”
Hailey’s gaze met mine. “I understand. I’m not really good at meeting people. Percie is the first guy to invite me to meet his family.”
“Aren’t you lucky, son?”
I ignored Grandpa’s remark. Instead, I shoved a slice of asparagus in my mouth. The proud smile on Grandma spread across her face.
“He never brought any girls home, Hailey. I thought my grandson had the plan to join a convent of St. Celibacy.”
Hailey laughed and shut when she realized her laugh was a little louder. “Really?”