~Harper’s POV~

  I woke up feeling empty in my chest. Something is wrong. I got up out of my bed and looked to the side of me. I know Gabe got in bed with me last night. A memory of him leaning over and kissing my forehead drifted into my mind.

  “I love you Harper, I’ll come back to you.” Did he leave? It must have been a dream! I felt a heaviness in my heart, tears started to flood my eyes. Why do I feel this way? I ran from my room and up to Gabriel’s. I threw myself through his door.

  “Gabriel?! Where are you?” silence. What’s happening!

  I ran from his room and to his office. He is not there either. Panic took over, I ran from his office and Tanner grabbed me before I could make it to the dining hall.

  “Tanner! Something is wrong. Where is Gabriel?” I was shaking.

  “Harper, he is fine. He had to leave early this morning. He should be on a plane right now on his way to Russia. He has an important meeting with some Alpha’s there.”