Elizabeth's Point Of View

  If I can just move my fingers a little bit higher, preferably to her throat, then it must be her funeral too.

  "Because he's coming!" she says excitedly. "MY love is coming back and thanks moon, he didn't find his mate or something. Now, there's nothing that can separate us!"

  "Who's coming?" I asked curious about her description.

  Surprisingly, she smiles wider. It's creeping me out. Geez!

  "Sebastian! My Sevi is coming back!" she answered. I froze, her words are echoing inside my head.

  Sebastian Walts is coming back. Oh, no!

  Sebastian Walt. The only son of Alpha Sean and Luna Feather. The soon-to-be Alpha of our pack. He's coming back, after five years.

  The sound of my heart pounding in my ear gets faster by the second and Daisy, in her joy, doesn't even realize I'm not massaging her feet anymore.

  No, no, no!

  I don't wanna make a reunion feast!

  "My hot, dashing, charming Sebastian!" Daisy claps her hands together. "And finally, he's coming back—without any mate! Which means one thing! Him and me, forever!"

  "Yeah, really amazing," I agree not intentionally. I better find my mate before she becomes Luna.

  "He's the most handsome man I've ever seen you know," Daisy says dreamily.

  Sometimes, some very rare times, I feel kinda bad for Daisy. The pathetic soul has no friends.

  "I've only seen him three times." I pointed out, feeling obligated.

  "Of course, the likes of you can't even look at him often." She smirks at me.

  No wonder she doesn't have friends.

  "Now go, shoo!" She says. "I have to get ready before he comes, it takes a lot of time, not that you'll know," she added.

  Thanking the goddess. I hurry out of her room and towards the Omega quarters again. It must be an uproar there.

  When I enter through the main door, the sound of chaos hits me hard. People are running around with decorations, folding invitation envelopes, and making lists.

  Even in the crowd, I can easily make out a short, plump woman with dark red hair shouting.

  "Stay calm! Stay fucking calm!" she says loudly.

  "Captain Martin," I push through the rushing crowd. "Don't tell me..."

  "Yup," She nods with a grin smile. "It's a code red," she exclaimed.

  I attempt to pass out and fall but someone grabs my elbow and pulls me straight.

  "No time for fainting," Alexandra, Martin's daughter, with the same red hair and green eyes, says to me. "We have shopping to do!"

  "Tell me that's not true," I say a bit too dramatically.

  "It's not true," Alexandra said, taking me with her. "Now, come on..."

  Damn, save my ass.

  "No more, I—can't," I lean against the wall. "Not another step!" I blusted.

  "Elizabeth, we have yet to bully all the dairy products!" Alexandra stated, waving the list.

  "You're a Lycan, I'm a werewolf!" I demand, giving her a look. "I can't walk around with eight huge bags in my arms in this blazing heat!" I exclaimed.

  She takes into consideration my sweaty and red face and the sights. "Fine, let's put these things in and take a break. Alright?" she said.

  My face lights up. "Is there any other answer but yes?" I asked.

  We make our way through the busy streets of Minneapolis ad towards the car that the pack finally offered us to transfer this stuff in.

  "Back so soon?" Cleo, our willing driver, raised an eyebrow.

  "No such luck," I say as Alexandra opens the back door and puts in her bags, I do the same. "We're going to do another shift after a quick break, you can take these back to the pack house, yeah?"

  "Sure," he shrugs and the engine roars to life.

  I and Alexandra quickly decided to jog to the forest near the pack house and take a run—for Alexandra, and a stroll—for me, before we come back.

  The earthy scent of the forest greets me, and I smile. Walking deeper into the forest, I focus on the sound of my feet padding on the ground, the breeze ruffling the leaves, the scent of flowers, and... a human?

  I squint my eyes and let my nose guide me to the source of the scent. About ten feet away, I see the humped figure of an old woman.

  "Uhmm, hello?" I call unsurely. "Are you lost?"

  The woman turns around to face me and I falter in my steps. Blazing yellow eyes stare back at me. Witch.

  "Not at all, deary..." She said. "I know this forest like the back of my hand."

  "Oh, I'm sorry," I apologize, witches rattle me. "I'll go, then."

  "So soon?" Her bushy grey brows rise. "Mostly lycanthropes are curious to know their future or find when they will meet their mate," she said.

  "You can tell me that?" I asked, a note of excitement linking to my voice.

  "What do you think?" She grins, gold teeth flashing between yellow ones.

  "Tell me, when I'll find my mate, please!" I responded instantly.

  "Show me the palm of your right hand," she commands. She holds out a wrinkled, frail hand.

  I hesitate for a moment, she is a witch, after all, she might be tricking me but I still hold out my hand to her. Her bony finger trails the map of the line on my hand.

  "Very interesting, such a..." She mutters toying with my hand. "You'll going to meet him soon," she exclaimed.

  "Soon when?" I furrow my eyebrows, curious to know the exact time.

  "You will meet your mate after you fall in love," she replied. I stared at her blankly.

  "Nice talking to you, deary..." Then she turns around and starts walking fast.

  "Hey, wait—" before my very eyes, she shifts into a Raven and takes off.

  After I fall in love? That doesn't make sense. Confusion clouds my mind, and a strange restlessness settles in my stomach. I shake my head and start walking back.

  Witches are all eccentric. After I fall in love, really? My mate is going to be the only man I ever fall in love with...