Elizabeth's Point Of View

  I was shocked. "But that would be a forteen hours of flight!" I pointed out.

  Be it Lycans or Werewolves, but Lycans more so, they hate long flights. It makes their wolf grumpy and agitated.

  "But very worth it." I was stunned by what Sebastian said and he was also smiling. "Gate of Harvard Vales are known to be one of the most beautiful places in the world."

  A wave of excitement crashes over me. Suddenly, this trip doesn't feel bad at all.

  I was wrong. It was bad, heck, it was horrible! Fifteen hours in a damn plane, then God knows how long in a car and we still haven't reach the place.

  "We are here..." The Omega who is driving our car said. I think his name was Jacob.

  "Freedom!" I jump out as soon as the car stop.