Elizabeth's Point Of View

  My feet pad against the cold wooden floor as I go towards the window and open the curtains. A smile tugs at my lips. Sunlight is scattered over the tall trees, birds are sweeping and diving through the air. Opening the window, I let the cool morning breeze brush against my face.

  "This is life," I say to myself, crossing my arms at the windowsills.?

  "Talking to yourself, Hazel?" A deep voice reaches my ears. "That's not concerning at all."

  I turn my face towards the source and see Sebastian coming out from the bathroom, a towel around his neck, hair sticking in all angles.

  "Of course it's not," I roll my eyes despite my smile. "When are you ever concerned about me?"

  "Not often," He walks over to me and takes a glance at the scenery.?

  For a moment, both of us let silence envelope us in cozy embrace, watching as the sun continues to rise. Something wet and heavy drops on my head.