Elizabeth's Point Of View

  It’s full moon tonight.

  I was beyond surprised when Sebastian stopped just as the sun started setting. I glance warily at his face. He looks pale, the scars on his face more pronounced. Even the smallest sound seems to put him on the edge.

  "Sebastian, are you alright?" I ask carefully.?

  "I.." he hesitates for a moment. "I need to tell you something."?

  My brows pull together and I nod, waiting for him to continue. Sebastian bgoes through his clothes bag and pulls something out, my eyes widen.

  A silver chain hangs from his hands with a manacle and a padlock. Sebastian holds out a silver key for me, I step back. What the hell? Silver should've burned him, and its most

  definitely going to burn me!

  "Seriously, Hazel?" He gives me a look.?

  "Silver bullets didn't burn you, you think this would?"

  "Promise me, Hazel."?

  The urgency in his voice makes my stomach turn unpleasantly. I let out a shaky breath.