Sebastian's Point Of View

  "I," she looks back at the room she's in, then at me, a hint of fear on her features.?

  "For the love of moon, Hazel," I roll my eyes. "Just jump—"?

  Something lands in my arms.

  Instinctively, I hold on to it as two arms wrap around my neck. Wide golden eyes stare back at me, I can hear Hazel's fast heart beat, feel her short breaths on my face.

  "Sebastian," Don't say my name like that.?

  Despite myself, I lean forward. "Yes?"

  In three little words, she snaps my mind back in place. "Put me down."

  Briskly, I put her to her feet and grab the bag.

  "The map?" I ask her, silently she reaches into her pocket and hands me a thickly folded paper.?

  The spotless paper that comes in front of my eyes is almost an insult to this Hunt.

  "Regardless, it's a map. We'll have to get out of their territory before they have a chance to find us," I tell her. "Once we're out, they can't follow."