Elizabeth's Point Of View

  "She always told me this pack is our home, and I have to treat it as such. Now close your eyes, Elizabeth," Daisy said. "Promise you wont open them, so we know you're trustworthy."

  I nodded, determined to prove that I am trustworthy. They led me through the pack mansion and then stopped. The next moment I was shoved away, my eyes flew open and I heard a door slamming shut. It was dark, so dark couldn't make out my own hands.

  "D-Daisy?" I called, hands held out. "What is going on?"

  Roars of laughter reached me. "This is where you really belong, little bitch."

  This—This isn't funny. "I found a handle..."

  "Open the door!"

  "Why?" Daisy asked from outside. "We're putting you in a coffin, soon they're going to bury you six feet under."

  I told myself she's lying, I told myself it couldn't be a coffin, but she was the beta's daughter. She could do that. They would bury me alive.