Elizabeth's Point Of View

  I hear Sebastian curse under his breath. He throws his revolver at me, I barely catch it when he lifts me over his shoulder.

  "Shoot, Hazel!" Sebastian says, already sprinting ahead.

  Clenching his revolver in one hand, I use it to brace myself on his shoulder to stay straight and with my own one, I aim.

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  One, two, three down. A dozen more to go.

  "I won't be able to shoot all of them," I say, switching revolvers.

  I take aim again and pull the trigger, it misses, but the wolf stumbles back and right into a hole, a howl echoes in the gunpowder thick air.

  "I don't think they know the exact path," I say to Sebastian, shooting another wolf. "Can you guess where the most traps are?"

  He doesn't answer for a moment, the takes a sharp turn to the left.

  "Hold tight," Sebastian says.