Elizabeth's Point Of View

  Realization hits me like a brick in the face.

  I'm feeling Sebastian's pain.

  Oh my moon, oh my moon!

  What has he done?

  "You should have just let me die," I choke out, holding my head in my hands, blocking out most of his emotions.

  A low growl reaches my ears. "Don't say that again."

  I snap my eyes to him, my own blurry with tears of frustration and anger.

  "Wasn't this what we had fought?" I demand. "What about all your promises Sebastian?Were they for nothing?"

  Tears race down my cheeks, but I don't move my steely eyes from his unreadable face. Sebastian leans forward and brushes the tears away from my cheeks. I hate myself for wanting to give in to his touch. I hate that its effect on me is only stronger now.

  "You said you love me." He says softly.

  I push his hand away. "I was dying. People say stupid stuff when they're dying..."

  I sense the tension in his frame, the storm in his eyes ready to devour me whole.