Chapter 36 Wu'er Xianting_1

Outside the small courtyard, a sudden voice caused both Zi Ling and Nan Feng to immediately change their complexions!

"Not good! It's Elder Shi Tai's voice…"

Nan Feng spoke gravely, truly not expecting that, to kill them, even a Supreme would personally take action!

If Senior Li weren't here, they might as well have simply awaited death.

Zi Ling was also somewhat nervous and looked at Li Fan, saying, "Teacher… they have come to capture us!"

Li Fan was also somewhat puzzled. How could this group of enthusiasts be so ferocious?

Always acting like it's a matter of life and death.

"Worry not, I shall reason with them."

Still, Li Fan asked calmly, "The people who have come, what are their areas of expertise?"

Nan Feng said, "Elder Shi Tai is proficient in calligraphy, and coming with him should be Elder Tie Ming, who is proficient in music. His instrument is a long flute!"

Upon hearing this, Li Fan smiled faintly.

Music? Calligraphy?

This really had hit right into his hands.