Chapter 50: Great Chaos in the Xuantian Realm_1

The Three Absolute Immortal knelt to the ground and paid homage in the direction of the small mountain village, startling everyone!

"The Three Absolute Immortal... has he gone mad?"

"An Immortal of his generation, merely glancing at that village, could actually be scared into kneeling directly on the ground?"

"What's going on here?"

People from both the Taiyan Holy Land and the Ziyang Holy Land were shocked and incomprehensible!

"What on earth did he see..."

Saint Lord Lingchao and Yuanyang Holy Lord were also greatly shocked.

"To kneel before Senior Li is his honor."

Jiang Xue, however, spoke indifferently, saying,

"If his true body were here, and he managed to see this, his Dao would improve by one level immediately!"

Upon hearing this, everyone's expressions were complex.

Was that senior really terrifying to such an extent?

The group from the Three Absolutes Holy Land was dumbfounded!

The Ancestor of the Three Absolutes was their last foundation and resort.