Chapter 65 Almost Immortal? A Snap of the Fingers Away_1

The Battle of the Southern Territory!

In the grand hall, everyone's face became stern!

No one expected that the tense situation that had swords drawn and bows bent would be defused in an instant!

"That's better, avoiding a battle among Almost Immortals is good for the entire Xuantian Realm."

"Indeed, if four Almost Immortals started fighting, who knows how many cultivators would be implicated..."

"The four domains still have the advantage; among the younger generation, the geniuses of the Southern Territory are certainly no match for those of the four major domains!"

For a moment, everyone started speaking up.

They all seemed to agree with this proposition.

"Hehe, good, in three days, right here, let you barbarians of the Southern Territory see what, exactly, true geniuses are!"

Cao Yijian spoke icily. After finishing, he waved his sleeve grandly and turned to leave.

"I hope the younger generation of the Southern Territory will not disappoint me."