Chapter 69 You All Go Together _1


Lu Rang stepped forward, his voice thundering through the arena, and in that moment, all eyes turned in shock to him!

"Lu Rang? Isn't this boy an outer sect disciple of our Divine Sword Sect? Wasn't he sent to the Cangli Mountain Range? He should have died there..."

An elder from the Divine Sword Sect exclaimed in surprise, recognizing Lu Rang!

At these words, Cao Yijian burst into wild laughter, saying, "Haha, hahaha... How ridiculous! The Taiyan Holy Land and the Ziyang Holy Land, have they really run out of people? Lu Rang, this boy, is nothing but a dog of our sect!"

"To think that this dog, having betrayed the sect, was actually taken in by you."

"And to let him stand in for you? Truly laughable."

His face was full of mockery, heaping uninhibited insults on Lu Rang!

Saint Lord Lingchao's expression turned dark as he said, "Cao Yijian, I hope you won't regret the words you're saying now!"

"Regret? Because of him?"