Chapter 76 This Kind of Terrifying Treasure Technique_1

In the small courtyard, Fire Spirit and the others all curiously examined the question written by Li Fan.

But they instantly fell into confusion!

What was this?

They had never seen it before!

Even the meaning of the question was completely incomprehensible to them.

"This... this must be a kind of Supreme Dao Mysteries!"

Fire Spirit spoke solemnly, "Only a true powerhouse can unravel it!"

"It's no wonder Senior Li, such questions we have never seen before..."

Mu Qianning felt even more admiration for Li Fan.

Nan Feng also took a deep breath, understanding that this question would likely be an insurmountable challenge for all cultivators in the Xuantian Realm!

"I shall go at once!"

She immediately left the small courtyard and went straight to the entrance of the village, where she affixed the content written by Li Fan onto a stele, then returned.

She had just left when suddenly,

Outside the small mountain village.

A series of Yu Kong Flying Ships suddenly appeared.