Chapter 112 Senior Li Issues an Edict_1

Upon a thin sheet of Xuan paper, high above the Sky Domain, four large characters seemed to appear before the eyes of the world!

At that moment, everyone present was incredibly shocked.

Because in those four characters, each and every one plainly contained supreme Dao power beyond measure!

Every stroke, every line, was like an extension of the Dao itself, akin to a supreme rule, eternal and unchanging in this world!

This terrifying aura caused everyone in the scene to feel an urge to bow down in veneration!

"What is this... who wrote it!? It's too terrifying..."

"Is this really an edict from some supreme being? It makes one utterly unable to harbor any thoughts of defiance..."

"Heaven, who could write such characters? Could it be that the Southern Region of Xuantian State is hiding an extraordinary power from the Immortal Realm?"

In an instant, people from the Four Great Alliances began to voice their suspicions.

These four characters were intimidating to the soul.