Chapter 109: The Attack on Xuan Tianzhou_1

Xuantianzhou refused.

Wang Juan's words immediately caused a shift in the expressions of everyone in the grand hall.

"What? Refuse? Those ants of Xuantianzhou even dare to refuse?"

"Are they seeking death?"

"I think we need not waste our breath, just directly send two Profound Immortals over to slaughter that realm, then take over!"

Many powerhouses spoke up, faces filled with a look of contempt.

In their eyes, Xuantianzhou was nothing more than dust.

Zhu Xuan was also very surprised, exclaiming, "Refused?"

"Did you not tell them that I wrote this letter?"

His face darkened.

Wang Juan's expression also turned ugly as he said, "I did, but they still ignored us!"

Zhu Xuan suddenly slammed the table, his aura trembling, and turned his head towards the leaders, saying, "Both Alliance Hierarchs, my Wind Fire Sect requests to take action, to directly annihilate that realm!"