Chapter 129 Feather Brush Destroys Yin Soldiers_1

Just past the barrier, what appeared before them was a terrifying ancient battlefield!

Moreover, in front of them, the horrific sounds of battle cries burst forth in an instant!

"What on earth is this?"

"I feel terrified, as if my soul is about to split open..."

"This is too horrifying..."

All were filled with shock and uncertainty.

And quickly, within that black fog, a terrifying scene unfolded before their eyes.

It was a fearsome army, the dead soldiers riding spectral warhorses, holding in their hands broken halberds and long spears, charging forth.

Many of them were already skeletons, filled with the stench of rot and death.

But now, they were still in the fray!

"...These are the soldiers from the First Heavenly Realm who perished in battle years ago, their wills too strong, thus undying even in death... They guard this area, so their lingering will drives them to slay all the living, run quickly!"

At this moment, Ji Yuanqing suddenly shouted loudly!