Chapter 149: Picking Up Trash Can Also Pick Up a Piece of Sky_2

"Don't think too much, I just feel that with so many demons entering the small mountain village, it might displease Senior Li."

"So... when I asked you to take care of them, what I meant was... you should share some of the stuff you beg for in the village with them, don't be too stingy."

Upon hearing this, Ming Tianbei was stunned for a moment, but then he understood!

"As you command!"

He immediately responded.

Meanwhile, Blood Spear and the others were all taken aback!

What was going on?

The Demon Monarch's words were actually acknowledging someone else as a senior?

And because he was afraid that senior would be displeased, they couldn't enter the village?

How was that possible!

They were all shocked.

Only Jing Mie had a complex expression at this moment, recalling the terrifyingly boundless courtyard he had entered before, and the Supreme words that followed the law and could not be resisted...

Xinning looked at Blood Spear and the others, saying: