Chapter 178: Immortal and Demon Cultivation Defeats Senluo_1


Heavenly Realm!

Within the Void Sea Domain.

Two figures with terrifying auras were engaged in a fierce battle!

The immortal aura shattered the void, causing the sea to heave with waves, and the surrounding floating dust instantly exploded!

Senluo Immortal Monarch, with a proud stature, was in the prime of his years as an Immortal Monarch, and even possessed the cultivation level to assault the Immortal King Realm!

Every strike he delivered set off immortal waves that crashed like thunderous breakers, terrifying to the extreme!

And Xinning, resembling a little girl of eight or nine, yet bore a supreme presence, with every gesture and movement exuding an ethereal air!

In just a few fleeting moments, the two had already exchanged hundreds of rounds!

"The cause of the past life, the fruit of this life, die!"

Senluo Immortal Monarch shouted in anger, his peerless mana bursting forth like a surging ocean, enveloping this part of the Void Sea Domain!