Chapter 194: Even the Immortal Must Bend the Knee and Plead!_1

In the Xu Geng Realm.

All people of the Myriad Realms Branch knelt and worshipped!

Before the Immortal Palace, Immortal Generals bowed their heads!

From within the Immortal Palace, Sun Junior True Monarch emerged and deeply saluted through the void!

In front of the First Secret Pond, within the stone pillar.

Countless ancient White Tiger true shadows seemed to shuttle through the ages.

At this moment, Bai Xiaoqing, standing before the stone pillar, felt a gaze upon her.

It was as if numerous eyes were sizing her up.

The very next instant, one shadow after another.

Suddenly began walking towards her.

They raised their hands.

A sea of golden radiance, akin to the clouds of the gods, bore down upon Bai Xiaoqing.

It was the oppression of ancient strong ones from her own clan!

Bai Xiaoqing's expression remained unchanged, her bloodline power, now fully spurred into action under the oppression of her clan's strong ones!
