Chapter 199 Immortal Monarch Takes Action!_1

In the Northern Immortal Domain, the Northern Border shook violently.

"What? Chen Ao actually died in the Lower World?!"

In Lanming Immortal City, when the news of Chen Ao's death arrived, angry voices erupted in the Immortal Palace!

All the Immortal Generals stood within the Immortal Palace, their expressions grave, not daring to speak.

"Yes, Immortal Monarch, we did not expect that there would be a Daluo Golden Immortal in the Lower World, let alone that those people would actually possess a Holy Artifact..."

The survivor who had escaped back spoke with lingering fear:

"All of us are dead, and the forces sent by the other eleven Immortal Cities have been slaughtered as well..."

Hearing this, the expressions of all the Immortal Generals changed dramatically!

Could there really be a Daluo Golden Immortal in the Lower World?

And even a Holy Artifact appeared?

How could this be possible!