Chapter 221: One Grass Cuts One Realm_1

The terrifying aura of Sword Dao swept across the Sky Domain!

Peerless and unmatched!

Dugu Yuqing was enveloped in a sharp aura, like a newly forged Divine Sword, unrivaled in the world!


At this moment, Celestial Monarchs, Immortal Monarchs, and even the millions in their armies!

All of them lost color in their faces!

"This... this kind of sword intent, I understand now, he, he is the True Sword Seed that the Infinite Sword King spoke of!"

A Celestial Monarch exclaimed in disbelief!

The might of this Sword Dao made everyone involuntarily recall the Infinite Sword King!

At this moment, they were almost certain of it.

If the True Sword Seed really existed in the Lower World, then... it had to be this terrifying youth before them!

"Unbelievable... his Sword Dao gives me the illusion of facing a Master!"

"Too terrible, is this really just the path of immortality? Why do I feel that ordinary Immortal Monarchs, even Celestial Monarchs, are no match for him?"