Chapter 235 Nothing at All_1

Qingxuan Immortal City.

In the great hall.

An elder sat indifferently, surrounded by many Immortal Generals.

"During this period, everyone's performance has been commendable, Immortal Monarch is very satisfied. He asked me to tell you that as long as you serve with wholehearted loyalty, what Immortal Monarch gives you will not be less than what Immortal Monarch Xuan Yin has offered."

The elder spoke dispassionately, looking at the group of Immortal Generals who originally belonged to Xuan Yin Immortal City, he said, "After all, Immortal Monarch represents Qingyun Immortal Nation!"

Pride showed on his face!

Qingyun Immortal Nation had long wanted to engulf Xuan Yin Immortal City.

In past years, when the Immortal King of Saint Tone Immortal Country disappeared without returning, Qingyun Immortal Nation was one of the first to act.

It was only later that White Tiger Immortal Nation intervened and deterred Qingyun Immortal Nation from annihilating this last Immortal City.