Chapter 237: The Plague God Strikes_1

Sun Junior True Monarch stepped out of that mysterious territory.

He quickly arrived at the White Tiger Immortal Nation!

"Immediately summon all the Celestial Monarchs!"

He issued the order directly.

In an instant, the entire White Tiger Immortal Nation was shaken.

All the Celestial Monarchs in seclusion for cultivation, emerged at the first available moment.

Very soon.

In the grand hall.

Sun Junior True Monarch sat at the head of the table.

On both sides, the four great Celestial Monarchs of the White Tiger Immortal Nation, had already appeared on both sides.

These were four terrifying elders!

In terms of cultivation level, even compared to Sun Junior True Monarch's grandfather, they would not be much inferior, and they also held a higher seniority than Sun Junior True Monarch.

"My uncles, this time the Immortal King has sent me out because there is a major event!"

"Therefore, I had to disturb my uncles' cultivation."