Chapter 257: Saint Descent Arrival_1

In the chaotic return journey through time and space.

Three great spacetime ferries had already surrounded the Ji Family's warship!

"Heh heh, Ji Changming, did you think that we didn't discover the coordinates your Ji Family left behind years ago?"

An elder of the Dark Saint Clan stepped forward, his expression icy as he said:

"Years ago, your Ji Family's Ancestor Emperor once slaughtered countless of our clan's powerhouses. We have an unresolvable enmity with your Ji Family. That's why we left our coordinates around yours!"

"When you set off on your return, we would ambush you all and send you to your deaths!"

The elder from the White Bone Clan also opened his hollow mouth and sneered:

"Surprised, aren't you? Since that escape, we've been ready, never again allowing your Ji Family to return to that world!"

"So what if you belong to one of the Imperial Clans?"

"If you can't return to that world, you have no future!"

"You are doomed to die!"

"We'll send you on your way!"