
Jaime Lannister

"I see No Children only Dragonspawn" those words ringed on his ears like bells not stopping. His whole heart felt frozen, his eyes looking downwards at what was left of Princess Rhaenys; he felt his heart beating on his throat. His face slowly paled and turned as white as milk. His hands slowly started shaking like a leaf.

The kind and gentle girl, now killed like that. The beautiful smiles would make everyone love her, But all he could see now was blood and only blood; Enough blood to cover the whole world. Her dark hair was covered in blood; he remembered her pretty hair whenever she walked or ran around smiling. Her hair would dance along with the wind flying by; Rhaenys herself was like wind sometimes.

With her melodic voice, Arthur used to say that she was a singer just like Prince Rhaegar. She would sometimes sing for him and even tell him to rest. She would always try to make his job as much more enjoyable as possible; she was only four name days, and yet almost as she knew that the job of a King's Guard could be stressful sometimes.

He swallowed a huge breath, almost thinking that would be his last one. His eyes were frozen, and only looking at the children, he felt his whole face had frozen, feeling cold, colder than the Wall itself. Why them? Jaime asked.

They were children; they were innocent; why them then? Why God?? Jaime asked questions on his head but received only silence.

He thought of his brothers, what would they think of him now, looking at him, an oathbreaker wearing armour, a man who killed his king. Burn Them All.

Jaime was sure he had saved them, But that wasn't enough; they would be ashamed of him, Arthur would be ashamed of him, the man who made him a knight, Jaime could still remember that moment, every word, every movement, Jaime treasured it as the happiest moment of his life, and now he had fallen. He had failed his promise as a knight and as a king's guard. He wasn't able to protect his Queen from Aerys, her cries of agony still haunted him, and he had failed to protect Elia and her children.

I have Failed

Jaime felt cold sweat on his forehead and turned his head towards his father. His father was known never to smile. He had never smiled since mother had left this world. He now had a slight smile on his face; Jaime felt sick of what his father had done.

He should have known, The Rains of Castamere. Jaime felt like wanting to choke his father to death; they were innocent; they had done nothing. He suddenly felt fuzzy; he felt like he would fall dead in the ground at any moment; his vision seemed to blur; he didn't know why?

Am I Crying? He asked himself, not sure of the answer; he had never cried before. The last time he cried was when his mother had died to bring Tyrion into the world. Jaime saw himself as a strong man, so why was he crying?

Taking a deep breath and swallowing all the guilt away, he turned his head around, not wanting to look at his father; he just couldn't look at him right now, it felt like he might try and do something he 'Might?' Regret later.

Instead, he took all the dignity he had left and left the throne room almost running; his legs were moving on his own. He felt like the throne room would swallow him whole. He felt heavy, heavier than ever before, his shoulders feeling like they would fall apart at any moment.

His knees felt weak; he felt the need to fall on his knees and curse the world for what had happened.

He finally left the damn room and not caring if anyone was calling him, at the back of his head, he knew someone was calling his name, but right now he couldn't even tell who was calling him, his father? Cersei? Jaime didn't know, and right now, he just wanted to be anywhere else.

He walked and walked, his legs just moving without stopping, he didn't know where he was going, was he leaving the red keep never to return ever again? But his eyes roamed around the walls; he knew this place of the red keep.

He felt his heart beating on his throat, his hands shaking like a leaf, his eyes not wanting to see what lay ahead.

"No", he whispered as if he was trying to tell his legs to stop walking; he couldn't go to that room, not now! Not Ever.

"NO," he said again, raising his voice in fear and panic; he finally stopped walking and looked around; he knew the place.

"Your mother will be angry if you stay awake for long", he heard a voice echoing through the walls, almost mocking him, shaming him for his failures.

I Failed

A voice said in his head, he turned his head around to see who talked, but all he could see was dust and walls. He swallowed again, almost expecting to be his last.

He turned around again and saw the door of her room slightly open, almost inviting him to see his failure. He felt his breath stuck in his throat; he felt blades cutting deep in his throat, drawing blood and screams.

Jaime's eyes went to his hands and saw them sweating as he had just fought a war. His forehead was sweating and falling on the cold floor.

His legs moved on his own again, his heart beating on his throat with each step; he felt his heart would burst from his chest.

"My mother doesn't need to know Ser Jaime," A voice said, laughing from inside the room.

Jaime shooked his head desperately, he moved closer, and his hands slowly went to the handle of the door. Taking all the strength, he gripped the handle and opened the door slowly.

He slowly walked inside to see blood everywhere around the walls, and the blood was still leaking through the walls and falling on the floor; he felt cold, real cold. He felt his skin burning, and his skin turned red.

He felt the strong smell of blood everywhere around here; the smell of the dead made him want to puke; the air was everywhere around the room.

His eyes slowly turned to the corner of the room to see Rhaenys. Her face was white like milk; her red lips were almost dark purple, with no life in them anymore. Her beautiful purple eyes now were completely white, like made of milk. Three stab marks around her face, her cheeks had two terrible red marks filled with dark around. The third mark on her nose had split her nose in half.

Her neck has slashes and cuts around. She turned to look at Jaime, who felt his skin crawling; he felt shivers of cold. His skin felt like it would split.

Rhaenys had many stabs marks all around her dress, her stomach sliced open, and guts were leaking outside like liquid.

In her hands, she was holding a bundle, but Jaime couldn't tell what she was holding, she was holding it in her arms almost like she was holding a baby, with care and love snd softly moving her hands to not wake . . . Him.

All Jaime could see was red, what looked like a head, smashed like a fruit. His face was nonexistent anymore, a broken skull that made his face unrecognisable. Blood leaked from the bundle covered in sheets, and the sheets were red with blood everywhere.

Rhaeny's slowly covered in blood, but she kept moving her arms around gently, wanting her baby brother to sleep and see good dreams.

"He's beautiful, isn't he" she suddenly asked him and turned her head at Aegon. Her voice felt and sounded different, devoid of all emotions, almost like a rock was talking to him. Her voice felt and sounded cold, sending shivers of fear and cold in his boy.

Jaime wanted to look away; he didn't want to see this, No he wanted to see them alive, To see Elia, Rhaenys, and Aegon alive again. They deserved, Not Him; why was he alive? Maybe he should have just left the mad king to burn everything; at Least He Wouldn't feel all This . . . Pain and Despair.

He wanted to cry; he wanted to apologise and beg for forgiveness. Jaime fell to his knees, and cold tears streamed down his face like a waterfall. Looking down at the floor, he wanted to die right here and now.

He looked up and saw Rhaenys still rocking Aegon. "I'm sorry," he said, crying.

Jaime couldn't handle it anymore; why was he alive and not them.

Rhaenys stopped moving her hands, and her white cream eyes looked at him. A tear slowly developed in her right eye and slowly rolled down her cheek before freezing in her jawline.

She shooked her head, and a smile slowly spread on her face. "Protect my brother, Ser Jaime," she said quietly before everything went to black.

Jaime stood up immediately, breathing heavily; he turned his head around to see where he was; he recognised Rhaeny's room immediately. The blood was still on the floor, and it had dried; no one had bothered to clean the room.

He tried to catch his breath, and he couldn't remember when he had gotten inside the room; he used his hand to wipe his tears away and left the room. Before he closed the door, he gave one more look behind him and sighed. He closed the door softly and walked away with no direction. He didn't know where he was going.

As he was walking, he remembered the words Rhaenys told him.

'Protect my brother' Jaime was confused; Aegon was dead, for which brother she talked about? He then heard footsteps and turned to see Lannister soldiers approaching him.

"Lord Tywin requires your presence in the throne room", one of the soldiers stated. Jaime laughed bitterly, almost like what the soldier just said was a joke, a bad one.

He sighed and decided to see what his father wanted with him, and his steps felt heavy as he followed the soldier in front of him.

Soon he arrived in the throne room; the king's corpse wasn't there anymore, probably dumped in a corner somewhere left for the rats.

His eyes found his father standing in front of the throne proudly, his back turned to Jaime, the young lion wanted to grunt, from all the rooms of the red keep he chose this one to talk.

Jaime looked around and saw his sister standing close to their father, her smile not leaving her face; someone had done her hair. They looked clean, and the perfume thrown all over her body could be smelled from here. For the first time, Jaime didn't find his sister attractive. There was nothing there to celebrate.

Jaime cleared his throat to gain the attention of his father. The old lion slowly turned around to look at his son.

Jaime didn't break eye contact despite his father's hunting gaze. His gaze alone was enough to make people see why he was known as Tywin Lannister, the most powerful man in Westeros.

"Now that the king is dead, we have a new king; your days playing shining knight are over. Robert has agreed to pardon you for killing Aerys, and now I want you where you belong, as my Heir," he stated as he was stating a simple fact, a truth that could never change.

He felt his breath stuck in his throat; his thoughts were on Rhaenys, her voice still ringing in his ears like bells.

Pleasing his father was the last thing he wanted right now, and he couldn't handle his smirk, knowing that everything had fallen in a place like a completed puzzle that he had created.

Jaime knew his father hated Tyrion, and so did Cersei; closing his eyes, he thought of his little brother. A smirk slowly spread on his face; Jaime opened his eyes again and looked at his father straight in the eyes.

"No" is a simple word that wiped the smirk from Tywin's face, a word he never thought that he would hear from his son.

"No. I will keep my place as King's Guard," he stated, with the firm in his voice. A promise that wouldn't be broken. Jaime was focused on his father that he didn't see his sister's smirk, feeling triumphant over her father and everything.

Tywin's face changed to a frown, his face reddened like fire, his hand clenching together.

"No, well, your brother will have the same answer. Now Get Out," Tywin almost shouted in the end.

Jaime felt furious but still smiling; he bowed his head, almost mocking him, and left the throne room. His father could go and rot in the seven hells for all he cared.

Cersei Lannister - One month Later

Cersei smiled happily as she buried her face in a small bouquet of scarlet roses and inhaled their fresh, exquisitely delicate scent. They had just been brought in from the gardens, and she could still feel the cold drops of morning dew as they rolled off the delicate petals and onto her no less soft skin.

"Oh, my lady, do please be careful", her maid exclaimed as her skilled hands wove Cersei's long, silky hair of shining Lannister gold into a rather simple but elegant coiffure. "It would be a disaster to cut your face on the day of your wedding."

"I will not cut myself", Cersei replied with joyful pride as she handed one rich, scarlet blossom to the smiling maid. "This is the happiest day of my life, and it shall be perfect!"

In less than an hour, she would walk into the Great Sept of Baelor as Cersei Lannister and leave Cersei Baratheon, queen of the Seven Kingdoms and wife to the king, and she would finally be queen, there will be another queen like her.

"The people of King's Landing have been waiting since yesterday night around the Great Sept of Baelor to catch a glimpse of the ceremony", the maid sighed, taking two rosebuds from the young mistress's hand and attaching them carefully to her hair. "Everyone yearns to see our king wed the most beautiful lady in the realm. All the women in the Seven Kingdoms envy you, my lady."

"They should envy me" Cersei smiled contentedly as she felt the blossoms burden her hair. She felt triumphant, Jaime would soon get over his silly grudge against father for killing the dragon spawns and would come to her, and she was the queen of the seven kingdoms.

"It is a great honour to become queen, but his grace is the honoured one" the maid smiled proudly. "Your ladyship is the greatest prize any man could wish for. I hope he gracefully understands the value of what he's getting..."

"Of course he does", Cersei huffed, feeling almost outraged. "I am the only daughter of Lord Tywin Lannister!" She said proudly, her father was the strongest and wisest man in Westeros, no one could touch them, they were lions, and everyone bowed to lions.

Cersei felt fluttering butterflies tickle her stomach as she thought of the man she loved. She would remember the joyous moment forever with her brother Jaime since they were little. They were permanently bonded and always together, and they were one person in two bodies. Now that she would marry Robert and be queen, thus creating an alliance that would cement the peace of the realm. Cersei didn't care about the peace and prosperity of the seven kingdoms.

Suddenly the air was filled with the loud, musical, joyful ringing of the city bells. The king had arrived at the sept and was waiting for his bride to follow.

Cersei's heart leapt to her throat as she heard the faint sounds of her father's confident, unhurried approaching footsteps. Lord Tywin was coming to escort his daughter through the streets of King's Landing to the Great Sept of Baelor and give her away to the king, so she could be queen just like how the gods had destined for her to be.

"All done, my lady," the maid said happily, letting go of Cersei's hair and removing the piece of cloth that protected the wedding gown from her shoulders.

"Finally", Cersei smiled as she got up and straightened out the folds of her dress.

"Oh, my lady, you look so beautiful!" the maid exclaimed, clapping her hands happily. "When the people see you, they will compose songs about the most beautiful queen the capital has ever seen, which will be sung for years to come!"

The door opened before Cersei could reply, and her father came in, looking wonderfully elegant in his black leather doublet, decorated with several pairs of golden Lannister lions.

"Are you ready?" he asked calmly, eyeing his daughter from head to toe.

"Yes, father", Cersei answered happily, seeing a gleam of silent pride and approval in his cold, golden eyes.

"Come then", lord Tywin invited as he opened the door for her.

Cersei took a deep breath and a quick look at herself in the huge full–length mirror.

She was magnificently beautiful even if she did say so herself! Her exquisite wedding gown by tradition was dark red and richly decorated with golden embroidery. The finest dornish silk clung to her body, emphasising the tender ivory of her skin, bringing out the deep shining emeralds of her eyes and showing off her shapely figure perfectly. Her thick, flowing, golden hair came down below her shoulders in neat locks and waves intertwined with beautiful red roses.

Of course, her husband would fall in love with her at first sight! It was impossible not to! Everyone would fall for her.

The Great Sept of Baelor was drowning in light and colours and sounded as Cersei walked down the long staircase and across the floor on her father's arm. Their slow, dignified motion was accompanied by delighted looks and sighs of rapture from every corner of the enormous building, packed to the brim with lords and noblemen of the seven kingdoms and their ladies; Cersei enjoyed the moment, the attention they were giving to her, all of them were beneath the lions.

Members of the King's Guard saluted her as she approached the stairs to the altar. Jaime was no doubt among them; she kept her gaze away from him for now.

"My, don't you look lovely," her bridegroom said with a broad jolly smile on his face as he held out his arm to greet her.

"Thank you, my lord", Cersei answered breathlessly, looking completely mesmerised by the man standing in front of her.

"You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection", came to the voice of the High Septon, and Cersei smiled as she felt Robert wrap his yellow cloak around her shoulders. It was long and rather heavy and decorated with a huge dancing black stag.

Her new sigil, Cersei thought with a hint of irritation.

"We stand here in the sight of the Seven to witness the union of man and wife", the High Septon continued. "One flesh, one heart, one soul. Now and forever."

Of course, she had heard of his previous engagement to the wolf slut, but thankfully she was dead; she had done enough by stealing her Rhaegar, but in the end, she would be queen, and the wolf slut was eating dirt and eating by maggots. She knew Robert claimed he loved the slut, but he couldn't possibly be in love with her. Cersei was far more beautiful and refined.

"In the sight of the seven, I at this moment seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity," the Septon said, tying a yellow silk ribbon around their joined hands. "Look upon one another and say the words."

"Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger", Cersei uttered, "I am his, and he is mine. From this day, until the end of my days".

She kissed his lips and could taste the beer and wine on his mouth, and it almost made her puke. She pulled away; they both turned to the people below them, and now seeing all of them below her made her feel powerful. She was the Queen of The Seven Kingdoms.

Cersei glanced at Jaime, who looked to be in a world of its own, not caring about her becoming queen and full-filling her wish. She wanted to tell him to stop his act and become the brother she loved.

Soon after she was declared the queen, she and her king sat at the main high table in the main room of the red keep; she kept a smile on her face, some would call her the happiest woman in the world right now, but her husband was drinking beer and wine like breathing air and was bothering her.

She knew it was their wedding and the husband's job to drink, but this was slowly getting out of hand and his horrendous smell coming from his mouth made her feel ill.

She glanced at her brother again, who looked to be want to be anywhere but here, his shining armour reflecting his handsome face and making it look brighter, like A Lion.

She started feeling warm just by looking at his face, biting her lower lip, and undressing him with her eyes. She felt herself warming up. She soon escaped her thoughts and knew it would not look suitable for the married woman to fancy after another man in her marriage.

She turned her head to look at her husband saw him laughing and drinking wine like a pig; she fought the urge to put her chair a bit further away from him. She couldn't wait until this night was over, she knew she needed to sleep with her husband, but despite being drunk, she could see his well-developed muscles. At least he didn't lack in his looks; having brains wasn't necessary to her.

She hoped at least he would be able to please her enough to overlook his lack of good behaviour towards her, and he should have his eyes only on her; what more could he want in a woman. Or maybe he still dreamed about his slut-wolf.

The feast soon ended, and ladies and lords were eager to have their hands on her in the bedding ceremony.

Robert didn't seem to mind or act outrageously that the lords were putting their hands on his queen; she couldn't tell if he didn't care or was too drunk even to understand what was happening.

Soon lords started tearing her clothes; Jaime walked closer to see that no one tried anything funny; she felt relieved to know that Jaime still loved and lusted after her, soon they started carrying Cersei to the bedroom. Ladies whispering to her that she was lucky to be married to someone as handsome as Robert.

Lords were telling Robert the same, but in a much rudder way, she couldn't believe what kind of words some men say about their wives.

Soon she reached the bedchamber; she turned around to see Robert was already stripped of his upper clothes; his impressive chest was a sight, Cersei couldn't lie to herself.

His lower clothes were slightly moved down, especially the part around his manhood that was ripped apart and almost falling to the floor. Cersei herself was fully naked in front of her husband.

Robert said nothing as Cersei seductively moved her hips and walked towards their bed.

Cersei's hair shined from the light of the moon, but the dark colour of the window's glass made it look like she had dark hair instead of the gold of the Lannister.

Cersei looked at Robert and could see something she had seen only in Jaime; whenever they stole kisses or if they were alone in a room, she recognised that look anywhere, Lust and Love.

Robert removed the last bit of his clothes and moved towards the bed, his manhood standing proudly like a Valyria Sword; Cersei couldn't help but blush. He leaned close to her and started kissing her neck, his hand gripping her inner thighs tightly, his right hand on her breasts gripping them firmly; Cersei couldn't help but moan, his mouth slowly kissing her jawline to her ear.

"Lyanna", he whispered in her ear.

Cersei lost all the warmth in her body; she felt like someone had just thrown a bucket with cold water in her whole body. She felt insulted, she was the most beautiful woman in the entire Seven Kingdoms, and he dares compare her to a wild slut that is eating dirt in the ground.

Her green eyes shone like Wildfire, and at that moment, she swore never to love Robert Baratheon, and she would never have any of his children.

Eddard Stark - One Month Earlier

They have been travelling for a week now, making their way to Starfall. Ned felt both happy and dreadful for his reunion with Ashara; last time he had promised marriage, a promise for A Stark was everything, was like promising in front of a Weirwood tree, and that promise should not break, or you will feel the wrath of gods.

Ned knew he was a dishonourable man; he broke a promise and Dishonored a lady before their wedding. Ned had been sure that nothing would go wrong, and that confidence made him take that step, and Now, he felt Empty.

Asha would live the rest of her life alone, and he would be forced to have children with a woman he didn't love; he didn't have anything against Catelyn, she was a pretty woman and faithful to both the Seven and her husband, but she was no Asha and would never be.

Ned glanced behind his shoulder to see his men tired; the heat of the Dorne was unbearable; they were North Men, men of the winter that had gone too far south. With all the sweat on his forehead, Ned felt like he was shrinking.

Ned turned his head in front of him to see the King's Guard standing close to the Woman, Wylla. She had the king in her arms.

The only good thing about this journey was that Prince Jaehearys wasn't crying, he was reticent, and the only time he made any sound was when he needed to be fed.

Ned sometimes still couldn't believe his sister was gone; he knew he would miss her wildernesses, her horse riding, and her pretty smiles; now Jaehaerys was all that he had left of her.

After they had left the tower, Ned had ordered three of his men to send Lyanna's body back to Winterfell as soon as possible, and she would be buried in the Crypts, where all her family was, only he and Benjen were left.

Ned couldn't believe it, but he missed his little brother; he hoped to return to the North as soon as possible; Benjen needed him in these hard times as much as he did.

Ned heard horse footsteps walking closer to him from behind, and he turned to see Howland with a stern look on his face.

"Howland everything alright?" He asked, looking at him.

Howland sighed sadly and shooked his head. "Is my fault Ned, I . . . I let Lyanna enter the tourney despite knowing that the king was there," he stated and his tone full of regret.

Ned looked at him, confused for a few seconds before it clicked him. "You Mean. Lyanna was The Knight Of The Laughing Tree?" He asked but more like a statement. Howland nodded his head.

Ned smiled and laughed from sadness; of course, Lyanna would do that; she always loved to ride a horse. Ned thought with a half-smile on his face. He sighed before patting Howland on the shoulder.

"Is not your fault Howland, you didn't know, and Lya, she was a free spirit", Ned stated, feeling tears on the corner of his eyes; he swallowed hard, not wanting to cry in front of his men.

Soon the night came, and they stopped to rest and sleep; a few tents were made to sleep in; Ned felt slightly relieved now; the sun was down and was much better now. He took a deep breath from the cold air around him, and he wanted to feel like he was at home again, of course, despite being night was still warm. But Ned had heard stories from Asha that in the centre of Dorne, in the endless deserts, the nights are as cold as the nights at The Wall.

Before, Ned had thought that Asha was joking but feeling the cool air around him, he wondered if it was true after all.

He turned to the king's guards; Ser Oswell and Ser Gerold were the only ones who exchanged words with them; of course, they always protected Prince Jaehaerys, but they were the only ones willing to talk to the Northern.

Ser Arthur was quiet, and he only talked with his 'brothers' as they called each other. The sword of the morning didn't exchange any word with Ned or any of the northern men since they left the tower joy.

Ned sighed and walked towards the tent where Prince Jaehaerys was sleeping. He saw Ser Arthur, Ser Gerold, and Ser Oswell resting next to the tent. The sword of the morning was the first to notice him and stood up glaring at the oathbreaker.

"Ser Arthur, I would like to talk with you in private", Ned stated kindly and his hand pointing towards a little abandoned house.

Arthur narrowed his eyes and took a step forward, and his hand was resting on the pommel of Dawn.

"I have to protect the king; it is my duty to keep my oath to the king unlike some", he stated with a bitter taste in his mouth. Ned clenched his teeth, but before he could say anything, Ser Gerold raised his hand and gave both of them a stern glare; Ser Arthur lowered his head slightly and took a step back, and so did Ned.

"Ser Arthur, you can go talk with Lord Stark, me and Ser Oswell will be here to protect the king, and I Want. No. Problems," he stated with authority, his tone firm.

For a moment, Ned felt like a green boy again that was being yelled at by his parents. Ser Arthur nodded his head and moved his head for Ned to follow him.

There was no sound between the two men until they were at the little house; Ned noticed a few spider webs but ignored them.

Ned turned to look at Ser Arthur and was about to speak when Ser Arthur glared at him and raised his hand for him to stop.

"Why? Why did you promise Asha? Why did you? Lied To Her?" He yelled and took a step forward, his hand holding the pommel of his sword; for a moment, Ned thought that Arthur would strike, but he felt his blood boiling. He stood forward fearlessly.

"No. I didn't lie to Her. I love her more than anything in my life. Do you think it is Easy For Me? I had everything. I would have the woman I loved, but then my sister is gone, and before I even knew it, The Damn King Burns my brother and Chokes my Father to Death. How do you think I feel when I have to return to Winterfell and not see any of my parents and two of my siblings? The only thing left is memories, and how do you think I feel knowing I will sleep and have children with a woman I Don't Love" Ned left out what he had been Holding Back for A Long Time.

Arthur's eyes widened for a few moments, and he felled in silence. He had been so angry that the Stark had betrayed his sister that he didn't bother to look at his perspective.

After minutes of silence, Arthur looked at Ned. "I . . . I'm sorry," he said quietly and nodded his head at Ned and wondered if he should tell him the truth about Asha; what Would he Think? He didn't know but decided to leave Ashara to give him the good news.

"Let's go back. Our king needs us" Ser Arthur walked away, leaving Ned on his own to think about Asha.

He wasn't sure how to feel; closing his eyes, he reminded himself that he needed to explain everything to her. Ned knew he had broken his promise, but Asha needed to know that she would be the only woman in his life, and that would never change.

His eyes turned to the king, and a small smile spread on his lips.

Lyanna, if you're watching over me, please give me your wild nature, brother, please give me your courage, mother give me your calmness, and father gives me your wisdom.