A Dragon and A WolfStar

Alyanna Stark

The view of Sunspear castle slowly rose from the horizon; Aly suddenly felt a sense of dread spreading around her body, she didn't know what kind of people were expecting her, and most importantly, she would meet with the Prince of Dorne.

House Martell stood unbowed even against the dragons during Aegon's Conquest.

She felt dread and didn't want to put her mother in a bad light; House Dayne was the Main house of Dorne a long time ago. Many people didn't even remember anymore.

Therefore House Martell expected a lot from House Dayne, and she was the daughter of Ashara Dayne.

I need to be on my best behaviour, she thought, her hands touching her knees, slightly shaking, if only could Snow White be here, Aly thought, she was brave with her, she was Free, She was... her true self.

Her eyes went to the horizon beyond the Sunspear; she wondered where Rhaeny's dragon had fallen; the books stated the dragon had fallen somewhere near the coast; she asked herself if there was anything left from the dragon.

Dorne loved to brag they were the only ones that killed a full-grown dragon in mid-air; the only other dragons killed by men were during the Dance of Dragons, during The Storming of Dragon Pit.

Aly wondered if she could find something left of Meraxes, maybe bones, teeth, anything with dreamy eyes.

She quickly thought of a way to have permission from her mother to leave the castle and spend time outside, if her mother would leave her to go around and probably visit places and not force her to stay in the castle like a caged animal.

Aly looked outside the window as the sun hit her face, the light illuminating the desert, the sand glowing like gold, even the sea was reflecting the light of the sun.

The tallest tower of the castle cast a large shadow like a giant spear in the desert.

Soon they reached the walls of the castle, large brown walls that stood five meters tall, the gates five meters tall, made of solid wood, the handle made of silver, the road decorated with red stone.

Inside the city, the air felt drained, almost breathing dust, people walking around minding their own business, almost no one stopping to look at their carriage.

Aly felt her throat dry, almost like eating a rock.

The road led inside the country yard, the servants and soldiers, looked at them interested, the symbol of the falling star in the carriage.

They soon passed another gate that led deeper into the castle, and the soldiers shouted to open the gates.

Aly saw who she suspected to be Prince Oberyn Martell, his yellow, rich clothes, the house sigil of House Martell on his right shoulder, his fingers filled with golden rings. His strong perfume smelled from where she stood.

Aly had heard from her mother that Prince Doran couldn't walk due to sickness, which meant the man was Prince Oberyn.

His eyes were eyeing them like a snake, his right hand holding the hand of a woman near him. The woman was wearing a very revealing dress, and her hair left free behind her back, thin yellow silk covering half of her face, a necklace with snakehead in front of her neck.

Aly's purple eyes saw a boy standing at the prince's left, looking at them, she inhaled when she saw his purple eyes looking at him, she managed a smile on her face, all the nervousness suddenly disappeared, the boy looked around her age, long curly dark hair, almost like a crow, hair had reached his ear, his white shirt made of animal skin, an opening around his chest, she noticed unlike his father, this one didn't have any golden ring or necklace, or any valuable jewellery.

Aly was surprised by his face; her mother had described how her father looked like; she described his Stark look, dark hair like a crow, long face, brown eyes and strong chin.

She had even read books about each house of Westeros; the book described in great detail the usual appearance of each house, what made them distinct from one another.

House Lannister is known for their golden hair, green eyes like grass, selfishness, and egoist.

The boy slightly reminded her of the man with animal clothes from where Snow White lives; seeing him standing close to Prince Oberyn, she knew he must be Jon Sand.

She thought it strange that Prince Oberyn would give his son a Northern name but looking at him right now, he looked like a northern.

"Aly", she almost flinched at the sudden contact; she quickly turned her head.

"We need to leave the carriage," her mother said softly; the soldier opened the door, her mother stepped outside, Aly swallowed and slowly left the carriage, holding her mother's hand, feeling courage, but outside now, she felt her courage slowly leaving her, she was in front of Prince Oberyn.

She avoided the eyes of the prince; Aly knew the main house of Dorne hated House Stark, Baratheon and Lannister more than any other house in Dorne.

"Oberyn, you haven't changed a little", Her mother suddenly said with a careless tone; Aly almost gasped at her tone.

"You must be Jon; my name is Ashara Dayne" Ashara introduced herself to the prince; she saw his eyes go from her daughter to her's, his eyes slightly widened at the colour of her eyes.

"My name is Jon Sand, my lady. I have to be honest. Your eyes are quite beautiful," followed by a moment of silence soon followed by a burst of laughter from everyone; Aly giggled from his words.

Her eyes went upwards, finding the boy smiling at her; she smiled back, already feeling better, her courage slowly returning.

"Thank you, Jon, it seems your father has raised you quite well," Ashara said, smiling, glaring at prince Oberyn; her hand went to her daughter, who took a step forward.

"Who's the lady?"

"My name is Lady Alyanna Stark, my prince", Aly immediately said in one go, avoiding to look at the faces; she felt her heart beating on her throat, she knew they would call her a bastard, probably kick her out of the castle...

"You're a Stark; wow, What kind of place is The North? Have you seen..." she looked up, surprised by the existing voice of who she assumed was Jon.

But she saw Prince Oberyn giving him a side glare to slow down a little; Jon pouted at his father.

"Is good to meet you, my lady; I hope you enjoy your time in Sunspear", Prince Oberyn said smiling, using a completely different tone than she assumed that he would use.

Aly was surprised at the kindness in his tone; she raised her head to be finally met with his eyes.

"Thank you, my prince."

"Jon, how about you led Aly to her chambers", the woman suggested with a sly smirk on her face; Jon rolled his eyes at her tone.

Jon took a step forward; Aly followed him behind; she glanced at her mother, who gave her a nod to follow him.

Walking inside the castle, her eyes were mesmerised by the beauty of the castle; the walls were decorated with different kinds of blocks, the air felt damp, she saw flowers around the windows of the palace; Soon they were inside, the walls were decorated with bright paint, and perhaps gold, silver and bronze.

Jon was leading her through the castle, and a drowning silence had fallen.

"I'm sorry for asking so many questions, my lady. I was curious to know if you had been in the North" Jon suddenly apologised with a lowered head, looking down in shame.

Aly immediately shook her head, "Don't worry, my prince, I liked your question, and to answer them, No. I haven't been in the North yet; my mother says I will visit soon, but she's been telling the same for months now," Aly said.

Jon raised his head, happy that he hadn't insulted the lady; he looked at her as they turned right to reach her chambers that were close to Family's chambers.

"No need for 'My prince' you can just call me Jon, and I'm not a prince", Jon replied.

"Only if you stop with 'My Lady' I don't like that", Aly replied with a giggle at the surprised look of Jon.

Reaching the chamber, Jon opened the door for her; she stepped inside, her eyes looking at every detail of the chamber; the bed was large enough for three people; the bed had a canopy and white silk covering the view inside.

A window was on the right side of the bed; the glass was decorated, the handle looked like the body of a snake, a table with drawers near the bed, a raft filled with different books at the left side of the room.

"The bath is ready for you, my lady; the lunch will be prepared soon; a soldier will come to guide you," Jon said and turned to leave the chamber.

Aly pouted and whirled to tell Jon that he didn't have to call her that, but he just winked at her before closing the door.

I wonder if he likes reading books as I do?

Jon Sand

His birthday was going to be tomorrow, but Jon wasn't sure why his father was making such a big deal out of it, he asked Arthur, and he had no idea, his sisters told him they were as clueless as him, Ari said that it was his birthday and needed to be appropriately celebrated.

Despite being two weeks, he hadn't seen a bad dream again, and he still remembered the way his father acted for almost a week; the air of glum was around him, he would barely talk to him, not just him but to his sisters as well, the following day, Nym asked him if he remembered anything else. Still, Jon had kept quiet when it came to mentioning names.

Right now, Jon was wondering if he would meet 'Dany' from his dream, her silver and purple eyes still fresh in his mind; he hoped to see her happy face again.

As of now, he was waiting at "Lady" Alyanna's door, waiting for her to come out and lead her to the hall where they ate.

This time Ser Art was standing a bit away from him, despite Jon telling him that he didn't need to watch his every step.

Jon escaped his thoughts when he heard footsteps from inside the room, and soon the door opened; Aly stepped outside wearing a dark-purple dress; her violet looked at him with a smile before Jon offered his arm.

"Can I lead you, my lady?" Jon asked with a cheeky smile; Aly rolled her eyes before putting her arm on his.

"I hope you're finding Sunspear comfortable", Jon said as they walked towards the hall, a turn to the left and were making their way through a corridor.

"I'm my prince", Aly replied as they soon reached the hall; his sisters were waiting for him at the usual place where they sit; Deamon was there as well. Much to his surprise, he noticed Ari standing close to her father and whispering something to him.

Jon sat close to Nym; the food was served; Alyanna sat close to Lady Ashara, who was discussing something with his father.

"Jon, how is the lady wolf?" Obara suddenly asked with a slight edge in her tone, something that was noticed him.

"She's good; she doesn't like to be called a lady, though", Jon replied; still not knowing much about Alyanna, he wondered if she could come with them tomorrow to ride horses.

After a few minutes of eating, uncle Doran told Lady Ashara and Alyanna that he hoped they enjoyed the castle; this earned a loud grunt from Prince Quentyn.

This caused silence to fall over the hall, almost every eye to fall on Prince Quentyn, who looked oblivious to the attention or that he didn't care about the stares directed at him in disapproval.

Uncle Doran was ready to speak and excuse himself and have a talk with his son when he opened his mouth again.

"Why is the bastard wolf even here? She doesn't belong here, but in the Frozen North," this earned gasps from some and glares from everyone.

Jon saw Aly looked tears; her head lowered in shame when Jon stood up.

"Prince Quentyn, you should apologise to

Lady Alyanna," Jon stated with a glare, barely keeping his voice low and not yelling at the fool.

"No one asked your opinion, you bas..." before he could finish, a knife stabbed the table, causing a loud sound echoing.

"Finish that, and you will pee with a stick from now on", Obara stated; her knife had pierced the wood, the air suddenly felt almost downing them, Jon noticed that Aly was walking outside to leave the hall; tears streaming down her cheek.

Jon followed quickly behind her; following behind, Alyanna fell on her knees sobbing her eyes out; he put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, don't listen to him; he just has air instead of a brain," Jon said, trying to ease the tension; this caused Aly to giggle slightly, much to his relief.

Jon helped her stand up and helped her to sit in a branch, her hand whipping the tears away.

"I'm sorry for causing that; I shouldn't have come here," Aly said with red eyes, but Jon put his hand on her chin and made her look at him.

"That's not true, I only have met you for half a day, and I already want to be your friend; no one here likes Quentyn," Jon said with a serious tone.

Aly smiled with gratitude, she whipped the tears away, and they stood silent for a minute before she saw her mother walking towards them.

Jon stood up immediately when he saw Lady Ashara. "My lady, your daughter is better now," Jon said; the lady smiled at him before helping her daughter to her bedchamber.

Jon was left alone, and he just decided to sleep tonight; there was no point in staying anymore.

'Jon found himself in a cave, and he couldn't see anything, the wind rushed around him, his skin crawling and feeling cold, his eyes caught a chest just standing there, candles lightening up the chest.

Jon felt confusion coiling tightly around his chest as he glared at the glyphs of old valyria; Jon could see the images of dragons flying high in the sky with mighty cracking wings. Glimmering gold that was supposed to be flames spewing from their mouth as they bathed their enemies in those flames.

Jon could feel his heart pick up with anticipation; whatever was in this chest was meant for me as a gift. His mind whirled, and Jon didn't know what to make of any of this, but he knew this was true in the very depths of his heart.

His blood rushed in his ears as he felt his tongue grow thick and heavy in his mouth, almost awkward like He had eaten a handful of dirt. His finger gripped tightly to the chest, pulling it into his lap, taking up most of the space and then some.

Grinning, He looked into the chest, his mind racing with excitement as his eyes searched the chest as He came in contact with a weapon. The blade sat snugly in the chest as it took a few hard tugs to get the thick leather grip lined with red leather out of the chest. It had a pommel with a dangerous red ruby that pulsed with power as He held it firmly as He could feel the heat radiating off of it as the seeth a deep black and red fabric stared back at me.

Pulling the blade from the teeth, Jon heard a sharp click as the sense of power bloomed from the edge as He looked to the flame pattern on the blade and a deep venom red hue flew around the blade.

Putting the blade aside, his eyes came in contact with an egg, but this wasn't any ordinary egg. This one looked almost ten times larger than a regular egg, big enough to fill his palms.

The dragon egg looked to be the size of an overgrown rock, and it had tiny scales, which shimmer like polished metal in the sunlight. The left side of the dragon egg is red, and the other side of the dragon egg is deep black.

The scales were in the shape of a diamond, and they shone like diamonds in the light. Jon could also see tiny specks of green spotting running along the black side of the egg; the very sight took his breath away as the warmth of the egg greeted him.

Jon thought that after the many ages that it might have been cold and turned to stone, but He could feel the warmth feel the life that rested just get the egg exterior.

"Ānogar, zaldrīzes ānogar."

Jon looked around in anticipation, waiting for something to come out; he turned his head back at the egg and saw it was glowing from the inside, almost like a fire burning inside the egg.

"Ānogar, ānogar"

Jon stood up from his bed, his chest burning like a fire had lightened up inside his body; he looked around his bedchamber, the light of the sun peeking from the horizon greeting him like an old friend.

He rubbed his eyes and decided just to leave the bed since the feeling of sleep had left him, and he didn't want to waste rocking back and forth on his bed.

Wearing his clothes, he remembered what the voice said, he didn't know what it said, but he was sure that it should have been Valyria since no other language was coming to mind.

Leaving his bedchamber, the sun had just begun rising from the horizon, the light covering the place like a warm blanket, the servants and workers had just woken up and started doing their jobs, he decided to make his way towards the library, he still didn't know how to read but figured perhaps his father could help him.

Reaching the library, the maester greeted him smiling.

"What can I do for you, my prince?" The maester asked, still wearing only a thin material to cover himself.

"I would like to know if you have books about dragons?" Jon asked respectfully.

The maester raised an eyebrow at the odd request but then chuckled.

"Of course, my prince, follow me", he stated and started walking towards a section of the library.

"Are you going to read with your friend?" The maester suddenly asked as they were making their way towards the section.


"Lady Alyanna, she came here last night asking for books about the North and Aegon's Conquest, quite fascinating", The Maester replied, impressed with the children wanting knowledge at such a young age. He figured perhaps both of them could become quite good maesters when they grow up, except the lady, the maester thought with a bitter taste on his mouth.

Jon was definitely surprised by that, and he wondered if he could find anything interesting in her books.

Soon the maester gave him three books about Dragons. Leaving the library, Jon reached his bedchamber; leaving the books at his bed, he started making his way towards his father's bedchamber.

Jon looked up in the sky, and he thought how incredible it would be to ride a Dragon.